Thursday, May 29, 2008


I'm back in Austin and I've started doing some digitization. Early this morning I had an appointment with the UT Library Digitization services and they digitized three of the large laminated photo collages for me. I'm really excited about those (and not only because I'm in one of them). My plan is to put up the entire image, but also break them up into smaller sections and place them on Flickr. Hopefully we'll be able to find out some of the people that we don't know.

Now I'm in the Lab digitizing some video. Two of the videos contained the same content from the Food Network, but the other one was a home movie from the early 90s that someone took while waiting online for a snoball one day.

I still need to come up with a naming schema. I hope to figure one out before next week when I start scanning the photos at the store (good thing my color bars from came in yesterday).

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